Help Section
Our website aims to make attending meetings and engaging with the Society as easy as possible.
However, we know that sometimes it is helpful to explain how things work and give you step-by-step advice. So we've compiled a handy list of FAQs (frequently asked questions) and How To hints to make the most of the Society online. You can also consult our terms and conditions if you are in any doubt about our booking, account and website procedures.
Annual subscriptions
We operate a rolling annual subscription system.
So your annual subscription will be taken automatically on the same date you originally registered online and paid. If, for instance, you paid on 20 September 2018 then your fee for will be taken from your card on 20 September 2018 and then annually on the same date. You won't need to do anything.
However, if the card you used to pay subsequently expires please log in and visit the My Account > Payment Methods tab to update your card details. If you need to reactivate your subscription you can click on the My Subscriptions Tab to restart it. This will continue on the same date unless you decide to cancel (please contact