David McColl

21 October 2020
6:45 pm – 9:00 pm
Dental politics during the pandemic:
Keeping up with a constantly changing situation
In collaboration with BDA West of Scotland, to provide an understanding of how the current guidelines/recommendations/rules are developed by Scottish Government with a focus on the rate this is changing, who is advising Scottish Government within Dentistry and how this will directly affect the NHS General Dental Service..
Please submit questions for David when you register for the event. Questions will also be monitored during the event and highlighted to David via the chat function of the webinar.
Learning Outcomes
- To understand the framework and remits of representative bodies in Scotland and how they represent the needs of NHS dentists
- To understand how the Scottish Government interacts with the profession through consultation with representative bodies
- To understand how the Scottish Government informs and interacts with the First Minister to determine policies and guidelines
This course is designed to meet the GDC’s development outcome B and will qualify for 1.5 hours of verifiable CPD.
About David McColl
David McColl is the Chair of the Scottish Dental Practice Committee, Chair of the Area Dental Committee of Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC and Vice Chair of the GP sub committee of GGC Local Dental Committee. He is also the Scottish rep on the BDA Pensions Committee. He is a practice owner and runs a busy NHS practice in Govanhill in Glasgow.
Replay for David McColl is now available. Please use the watch again link provided in your email before 6:45pm on the 29th October to qualify for CPD. Alternatively log in to watch the meeting below.
*Please note that a connection issue affects the recording between 40-41 minutes but was quickly resolved.
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